The Sports Sciences Residency Program (SSRP) was instituted in 1984. This program permits Doctors of Chiropractic in private practice the opportunity to attain their post – graduate Sports Sciences Fellowship. Centred on a specific program mandate overseen by the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada), the program has evolved over the years to create a chiropractic Sports specialty training program through post-secondary educational institutions across Canada. Each program, under the direction of an approved Regional Coordinator, is uniquely designed to afford participants the most effective way to meet the program requirements.
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Mission Statement
The SSRP academic content must consist of a minimum of Masters level education in the Canadian University system or equivalent. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure the ability to audit Masters level courses or participate in a Masters program at an institution approved by the Residency Committee. It is the responsibility of the candidates to provide a letter of acceptance to a Masters Program or written proof of permission if auditing Masters level courses, prior to acceptance into the SSRP.
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Introductory Letter
Dear Doctor,
Thank you for your interest in the RCCSS(C) Sports Sciences Residency Program (SSRP). The SSRP was instituted in 1984 with the mission to provide the chiropractic profession with the most qualified sports chiropractors worldwide.
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Request info (mail form)
RCCSSC(C) Brochure (pdf will open in new window)